Some of you here have describe a situation where the JW kolapps, i have a qestion,if this happend, who take the assets, and where goes all the money we have?
As in evry company,you must have someone who is the so called owner.
some of you here have describe a situation where the jw kolapps, i have a qestion,if this happend, who take the assets, and where goes all the money we have?.
as in evry company,you must have someone who is the so called owner.
Some of you here have describe a situation where the JW kolapps, i have a qestion,if this happend, who take the assets, and where goes all the money we have?
As in evry company,you must have someone who is the so called owner.
some one asked: .
>>i don't understand.
i honestly do not understand how active jws can be presented with hundreds upon hundreds of cases that have occurred all over the world, and casually deny that there is any problem.<<.
As I told you, you arec totaly wrong, all JW now that it cuold bee problem, even inn Awake i read if you here bad things, as is hard to belive, bee paitent , wait and see why this is done.
I told a lot of peopel , and sure they understan that in some cases wrong tthing is happening,as in old Israel, we are not perfekt ou know.
As I also say sweish gopverment almost follow the JW line in Phedifile isus, they decid yestersay that it is not inaff widh the childrens testomoney, you must have some more indikation.
WHY, to many have change what they say, and admit that they was lying, fore money ithink. trgikal,but this show how difficult issu this is, it is nor so easy as some of you say.
some one asked: .
>>i don't understand.
i honestly do not understand how active jws can be presented with hundreds upon hundreds of cases that have occurred all over the world, and casually deny that there is any problem.<<.
You have complitely wrong when you say that Jw not understand it is problem.
As one of few ongoing JW on this site I now this, you dont, only qessing I think.
But this pehofilething is a difficult issu who not is so easy to say whats riht or wrong.
I can tell you that here in Sweden they have decid today that they must change the system , and from now it is not inaff widh what the children say, they must have some more info who can prove it in some way, WHY, several cases here the children have regret what they say and change ther story,and the peopel who was condemd proven inocent .
I read that some of the sign here have faced this also, so evrything it not so easy.
ofcourse I dont defend Abusers,but if we have a witchunt, we can have a dangerus situation.
Pedhofile are hidding in religius organisaitions , even in JW, but we can not say that evry man or women who is acused is qulity, as even the staten now say here.
Well hippie, fun if I can fix litel joj for you, but perhaps you can tell some from how it is in Poland, the country who are so bigg grow inn, or?
Give us some news,, and some good expirenses, if you understand my english, i can tell it is to expensiv for me to be out on internet and at the same time look in a wordbook who i must spell,i am not made of money.
Thank you H, your guess was right.
To bad spelling, but is was stressd.
and hello german JW, we have a friend from germany here widh us, he is an elder, any qestions for him from you.
I told him abaout dateline, and he dont now anything.
I have read that in G you have a letter to the elder abauot UN thing, in sweden they dont now this even if they are an elder.
Littel desapointed that we dont have a explanaition on the assambley.
I dont now if you read my topics, but I am a on going JW who have no attentions to qite, even if we have problems, i am working on my way to do things better, here you have the link.
warm regards from sweden.
I find this on unother bord.
I have it on reliable source that one of the founding JWs in
Japan, who has been serving as a branch coordinator, was
recently disfellowshipped. According to the sources,
Toshio Honma is a top-ranking JW at the Japanese
branch. He may be highest ranking JW who has ever been
disfellowshipped in Japan, except for Junzo Akashi who
was DF'ed shortly after the World War II ended. Were
trying to find out the reason for his DFing. It is noteworthy
because Japan has been one of the WTSs strongholds in
the world in recent years. Numbers were soaring in Japan
(and Russia) while they were dwindling elsewhere in the
world. The question now is, will this former high-ranking
JW speak out in Japan as Ray Franz did here and abroad?
dr. phil gave this test on oprah.
some folks pay a lot of money to find this stuff out.
don't be overly sensitive!
hello Amazing, my points are 49.
greatings from HM
going to the assambley tommorw
perhaps i going to putt upp some abauot dateline on the tabel, nowan no this in sweden exept a few like mee who are on internet.
i have been pondering the whys of jws who regularly, and not-so regularly post to the board.
the possibility then struck me that maybe they are assigned--have special dispensation--to associate here in order to retrieve any "misguided" or "lost" sheep and bring them back into their fold.
or are they, thenselves, on the edge, wanting the freedom we now have?
hello F.As you I am ongoing JW, and I must say what you was writing here was exatly how i also feel, I feel for the peopel here, some have been very badely treated, i dont understand why some areso angry on uss who is ongoing JW.
I have here find peopel like Hilary steep, and Amazing, casseline, kenpodragon to menchen a few.
And i am sure Jehova on the judgments day will look at the hart.
Not what some persons have try to decide.
when i was in high school i always remember the "popular group.
" the ones that had the best looks, the nicest clothes and the life that everyone wanted.
oh how i longed for just one day to be a popular one, and to not be the person in the shadows.
Nice post kenpo, remember mee from Timotys board?
I must say this bord are fantastic, here you can find man and women who have growin upp exatly as youself, as you all now it is not so easy to talk about evryting in Jw, but suddenly i find several who have like myself grow upp int it, and be MS, and later elder like mee, intresting to read, and in some way comforting, myself is still inn, and think i will be that way, if the high men in brooklyn dont draw evrything inn the wall,
So thanks kenpo for your story,perhaps my come some day.